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Radon Rangers
Finishing touches
Installed with de-watering system
Radon Rangers
Residential Mitigation:
Southern Michigan Radon has been installing residential mitigation systems since 2001. We have mitigated houses from 4.0 pCi/l to 252 pCi/l and have always gotten the results below the EPA’s acceptable risk level of <4.0. We’ve mitigated houses including: Slab on grade, Pole construction, wood-walled basements, wood floor basements, bi-levels, tri-levels, Michigan basements, and many other build types. Let us help you get your home’s radon level down
Crawl space Mitigation:
Sometimes a house has a crawl space under the whole house, sometimes only under an addition, we will evaluate your home to determine what system or combination of systems are needed to get your home’s radon level down. While a crawl space mitigation system isn’t always necessary to get your level down; when it is, Southern Michigan Radon will do quality work for you and your family.
Radon crawl space mitigation
Radon condominium system
Apartment complexes
Venting Radon above the eaves.
Radon condominium system
Multi-family mitigation:
We are a multi-family radon mitigation certified company. Our organized and professional crew excels at apartment complex mitigations. We take the client’s tenants’ rights seriously and access the units in a polite, professional manner. HUD housing, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac projects are right up our alley. If you are an environmental testing firm, a property management firm or a site contractor give us a call.
Commercial Vapor mitigation:
VOC mitigations, while more complex than radon mitigations, work on the same principals. Reduce the sub-slab pressure to less than the pressure above the slab and the soil gases have a new place to go. Our systems create that negative pressure under the slab. Drawing the gases thru the system, often combining many vacuum points into one fan, then dispersing them harmlessly above the building’s roof where they are quickly diluted by the fresh air outside. Southern Michigan Radon then provides documentation and an engineered drawing of the system design and layout to the end user.
Trenching in the radon pipes before the concrete
Industrial site mitigated
Trenching in the radon pipes before the concrete